On Bayesian estimation from two parameter Bathtub-Shaped lifetime distribution based on progressive first-failure-censored sampling

  • Authors

    • Nooshin Javadkhani
    • Parvin Azhdari Assiatant professor at Islamic Azad University
    • Reza Azimi
  • Abstract

    This paper presents different methods of Bayesian estimation like empirical Baysian estimation, Expectation of Bayesian estimation to estimate parameter and reliability function of two parameter bathtub-shaped lifetime distribution based on progressively firrst-failure-censored samples under minimum expected and LINEX loss functions. Comparisons among estimators are investigated through simulation study.

    Keywords: Progressive rst-failure-censoring scheme, Empirical Bayesian Estimation, E-Bayesian Estimation, Bathtub-Shaped lifetime distribution .

  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Javadkhani, N., Azhdari, P., & Azimi, R. (2014). On Bayesian estimation from two parameter Bathtub-Shaped lifetime distribution based on progressive first-failure-censored sampling. International Journal of Scientific World, 2(1), 31-41. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijsw.v2i1.2513

    Received date: 2014-04-21

    Accepted date: 2014-05-17

    Published date: 2014-05-28