Simulation of Wedge Water Entry using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method
This article presents a study based on the smoothed particles hydrodynamics method, aiming at a numerical simulation of solid–fluid coupling in a free surface flow. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method (SPH) represents a very interesting alternative method to classical mesh-based methods such as Finite-Volume, Finite-Difference or Finite-Element Methods. The SPH scheme is first described and discussed through its formulations. Two test cases of wedge water entry are presented. To accomplish this, 2D-SPH models in conjunction with turbulence model are implemented and MLS density filter is utilized to remove pressure fluctuations. Pressure distribution, time history of pressure and free surface level are provided. In order to validate the obtained free surface, free surface of dam bre+ak problem is simulated and compared with experimental result. Also, the obtained pressure distribution is compared with the analytical result of similarity solution. -
How to Cite
Farsi, M., Ghadimi, P., Zamanian, R., & Dashtimanesh, A. (2013). Simulation of Wedge Water Entry using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method. International Journal of Scientific World, 1(1), 5-12. date: 2013-03-09
Accepted date: 2013-03-25
Published date: 2013-04-06