Circular Gabor wavelet algorithm for fingerprint liveness detection
Biometric, Fingerprint, Liveness Detection, Spoof, Support Vector Machine, Texture Segmentation. -
Biometrics usage is growing daily and fingerprint-based recognition system is among the most effective and popular methods of personality identification. The conventional fingerprint sensor functions on total internal reflectance (TIR), which is a method that captures the external features of the finger that is presented to it. Hence, this opens it up to spoof attacks. Liveness detection is an anti-spoofing approach that has the potentials to identify physiological features in fingerprints. It has been demonstrated that spoof fingerprint made of gelatin, gummy and play-doh can easily deceive sensor. Therefore, the security of such sensor is not guaranteed. Here, we established a secure and robust fake-spoof fingerprint identification algorithm using Circular Gabor Wavelet for texture segmentation of the captured images. The samples were exposed to feature extraction processing using circular Gabor wavelet algorithm developed for texture segmentations. The result was evaluated using FAR which measures if a user presented is accepted under a false claimed identity. The FAR result was 0.03125 with an accuracy of 99.968% which showed distinct difference between live and spoof fingerprint.
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How to Cite
F.W. Onifade, O., Akinde, P., & Olubusola Isinkaye, F. (2020). Circular Gabor wavelet algorithm for fingerprint liveness detection. Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology, 9(1), 1-5. date: 2019-09-24
Accepted date: 2019-10-24
Published date: 2020-01-11