Assessing quality in software development: An agile methodology approach
Software Develoment, Quality Assesment, Agile Technology, Education, Software Training. -
A novel methodology, result of 10 years of in-field testing, which makes possible the convergence of different types of models and quality standards for Engineering and Computer Science Faculties, is presented. Since most software-developing companies are small and medium sized, the projects developed must focuson SCRUM and Extreme Programming (XP), opposed to a RUP, which is quite heavy, as well as on Personal Software Process (PSP) and Team Software Process (TSP), which provide students with competences and a structured framework. ISO 90003:2004 norm is employed to define the processes by means of a quality system without new requirements or changing the existing ones. Also, the model is based on ISO/IEC 25000 (ISO (IEC 9126 – ISO/IEC 14598)) to allow comparing software built by different metrics.
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How to Cite
RodrÃguez-Hernández, V., Espino-Gudiño, M., González-Pérez, J., Gudiño-Bazaldúa, J., & Castano, V. (2015). Assessing quality in software development: An agile methodology approach. Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology, 4(2), 225-230. date: 2015-01-13
Accepted date: 2015-02-10
Published date: 2015-06-09