Taxonomy of intelligence software reliability model
2015-02-16 -
Genetic Algorithm, Intelligence System, Neural Network, Software Engineering, Software Reliability. -
The probability of failure free software operation for a specified period of time in a specified environment is called Reliability, it is one of the attributes of software quality and study about it come back to 1384. Exposition and spreading of new software systems and profound effect of it to human life emphasize the importance of software reliability analysis, until it poses formal definition at 1975. First race of reliability analysis methods that we called classic methods has stochastic process approach and in this way, attempt to predict the software behavior in future. Due to the ambiguity in fruitfulness of these solutions the challenge about reliability analysis continued till now. Great tendency in applying intelligence systems at variety of applications can be seen at 90 decade, and software reliability attracts some research direction to itself. Until now variety of methods in reliability analysis on the base of intelligence systems approach exhibited. In this survey the taxonomy of these methods represented with brief description of each one. Also comparison between these methods can be seen at the end of survey.
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How to Cite
Ahmadluei, S. (2015). Taxonomy of intelligence software reliability model. Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology (JACST), 4(1), 60-67. date: 2015-01-19
Accepted date: 2015-02-10
Published date: 2015-02-16