Fingerprint pattern recognition from bifurcations: An alternative approach

  • Authors

    • A. Castañeda-Miranda
    • R. Castañeda-Miranda
    • Victor Castano Centro de Fisica Aplicada y Tecnologia Avanzada, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
  • Fingerprints, Dactiloscopy, Pattern Recognition, Pc-Based Software, Segmentation.
  • A pc-based automatic system for fingerprints recording and classification is described, based on the vector analysis of bifurcations. The system consists of a six-step process: a) acquisition, b) preprocessing, c) fragmentation, d) representation, e) description, and f) recognition. Details of each stage, along with actual examples of fingerprints recognition are provided.

  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Castañeda-Miranda, A., Castañeda-Miranda, R., & Castano, V. (2015). Fingerprint pattern recognition from bifurcations: An alternative approach. Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology (Jordan), 4(2), 220-224.