Problem solving of container loading using genetic algorithm based on modified random keys

  • Authors

    • Mohammad Sadegh Arefi Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran.
    • Hassan Rezaei
  • Container Loading, Evolutionary Algorithms, Genetic Algorithm, Random Keys.
  • This article presents a solution to the container loading problem. Container loading problem deals with how to put the cube boxes with different sizes in a container. Our proposed method is based on a particular kind of genetic algorithm based on biased random keys. In the proposed algorithm, we will face generations' extinction. Population decreases with time and with the staircase changes in the rate of elitism, the algorithm is guided towards the global optimum. Biased random keys in the proposed method are provided as discrete. The algorithm also provides the chromosomes that store more than one ability. In order to solve container loading using a placement strategy, due to the size of the boxes and containers, the containers are classified as small units and equal unites in size. Finally the algorithm presented in this paper was compared with three other methods that are based on evolutionary algorithms. The results show that the proposed algorithm has better performance in terms of results and performance time in relation to other methods.

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  • How to Cite

    Arefi, M. S., & Rezaei, H. (2015). Problem solving of container loading using genetic algorithm based on modified random keys. Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology (Jordan), 4(1), 190-197.