A taxonomy of : The reviews on Cloud Computing Direction (CCD)
2015-05-01 https://doi.org/10.14419/jacst.v4i1.4564 -
Cloud Services, Cloud Computing, Survey. -
The manufacturing industry is undergoing a major transformation enabled by IT and related smart technologies. The main thrust of Cloud computing is to provide on-demand computing services with high reliability, scalability and availability in a distributed environment. This paper summarizes our taxonomy of the CC review direction. The goals of this taxonomy were (i) clarify the needs and the directions of the use of the CC, (ii) define the academic and practical issues involved in CC , (iii) learn the state of the directions on methodologies of the CC , (iv) identify future research directions, which benefit the short and long terms. The taxonomy has concluded that (i) CC is advantageous in dealing with changes and uncertainties in the every-changing environment. (ii)It has been found that few existing CC can achieve the objective of security. (iii) The obstacles of the development of CC include the difficulties to identify and generalize the requirement of CC security, the lake of effective technologies that can be used to support the clouding use, and no international origination that serves for standardizing the modular components for cloud computing processes. In this paper, we use the IVSL(The Iraq Virtual Science Library) to select the free, full-text access to papers from major publishers as well as a large collection of on-line educational materials.
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How to Cite
Yassin, A. T., & Alnidawy, B. K. (2015). A taxonomy of : The reviews on Cloud Computing Direction (CCD). Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology (JACST), 4(1), 204-211. https://doi.org/10.14419/jacst.v4i1.4564Received date: 2015-03-29
Accepted date: 2015-04-20
Published date: 2015-05-01