Colour sorting of translucent samples

  • Authors

  • Colour Sorting, Quality Control, Computer Vision, Translucent Samples, Transparency, Mechatronics
  • Abstract

    Automated quality control and sorting based on computer vision techniques has been a long celebrated practice in industrial processes and production. Among the surface characteristics that guide the decision making in such systems, the colour holds a prominent position. This gets somehow complicated in cases dealing with translucent samples or samples with a significant amount of transparency and yet distinctive colour hues. The scope of this paper is to provide a method to tackle with such cases and presents a successful application to the world-renowned mastiha of Chios, a natural aromatic translucent resin extracted from the mastic tree that grows on the island of Chios, Greece.

    Author Biography

    • George Pavlidis, ATHENA Research Center

      Research Director

      Head of the Multimedia Research Group

      Institute for Language and Speech Processing

      'Athena' Research Center

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  • How to Cite

    Pavlidis, G. (2015). Colour sorting of translucent samples. Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology (JACST), 4(2), 265-272.

    Received date: 2015-09-11

    Accepted date: 2015-10-09

    Published date: 2015-10-29