Trends of eutrofication and effects of measures in Feitsui reservoir during 1987 – 2018

  • Authors

    • Yen-Hsiung Liao Kaohsiung Medical University
  • CTSI, BMPs, Eutrophication, Total Phosphorus.
  • Abstract

    Purpose: Reservoir watershed is one of the most important sources of domestic water of people. The quality of water is crtical for the users.

    Approach: Using trends of environmental water quality information during 1987 – 2018. We approached the Carlson trophic state index (CTSI) and evaluated the effects of measures on water quality of Feitsui reservoir compared to the controlled Shihmen reservoir.

    Results: The CTSI (46.4) was peak in 2001 and decreased to 36.8 in 2018. Water quality was improved after the establish of Best Management Practices (BMPs) after 2003. The CTSIs in Feitsui reservoir were lower than that in Shihmen reservoir generally.

    Conclusions: Non-point source pollution could cause a higher CTSI. The eutrofication shold be prevented by use of total phosphorus.



  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Liao, Y.-H. (2020). Trends of eutrofication and effects of measures in Feitsui reservoir during 1987 – 2018. SPC Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2(1), 1-3.

    Received date: 2020-01-14

    Accepted date: 2020-02-12

    Published date: 2020-02-25