Major barriers to the enforcement and violation of building codes and regulations: a global perspective
2020-03-25 -
Building Codes and Regulations, Enforcement, Violation, Barriers. -
For centuries now, building codes have been a vital instrument for minimizing susceptibility to natural hazards. These codes are guides to architects and engineers when designing new buildings or renovating existing buildings in vulnerable areas. However, the productive implementation of building codes demands a good institutional structure and training of construction practitioners including artisan. This implies that the introduction of building codes and its proper administration will not be effective unless there is a strategic plan for its enforcement process. This is because the deficiencies and violations of building codes/regulations could lead to a large number of shortcomings, particularly regarding the minimum requirements for public health, safety, general welfare, building quality and environmental protection. It is thus clear that there is a need to explore the barriers associated with the implementation and enforcement of building codes/regulations in different countries. This paper seeks to provide a better understanding on the major barriers to the enforcement and violation of building codes and regulations from a global perspective by reviewing building codes, exploring how they are enforced and the penalties for non-compliances in different countries. Finally, this paper concludes that some of the building codes and regulations are too complex for construction and building professional, and as such, many countries still struggle to understand the proper enforcement of building codes.
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How to Cite
F. Fakunle, F., Opiti, C., A. Sheikh, A., & A. Fashina, A. (2020). Major barriers to the enforcement and violation of building codes and regulations: a global perspective. SPC Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2(1), 12-18. date: 2020-02-01
Accepted date: 2020-03-14
Published date: 2020-03-25