The implications of climate variability and change on urban water security of Lagos mega-city, Nigeria: a narrative review

  • Authors

    • Oluwole Akiyode Kampala International University
  • Urbanization; Lagos Mega-City; Urban Water Security; Changing Climate; Climate Variability and Change; and Water Security.
  • There has been continuous population growth in some of the cities in the sub-Saharan African coastal region since the mid-20th century. This has led to the emergence of mega-cities, which include Lagos in Nigeria. However, rapid urbanization alongside the threats of climate variability and change may alter the intensity of the features of urban water security in these cities. The framing of the concept of urban water security by policymakers and academia is to make society aware of the urban water threats, for the sake of managing them effectively. This study is a narrative review of literature of the changes in the features of urban water security of Lagos Mega-city. The study indicates that changing climate alongside urbanization trends has implications on the features of urban water security in the city.

    Keywords: urbanization, Lagos Mega-city, urban water security, changing climate, Climate variability and change, and water security.

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  • How to Cite

    Akiyode, O. (2024). The implications of climate variability and change on urban water security of Lagos mega-city, Nigeria: a narrative review. SPC Journal of Environmental Sciences, 6(1), 19-25.