Overuse of antibiotics in high-income, middle -income, and low-income countries: patients' knowledge, attitude, behaviour, and factors affecting doctor’s prescription behaviour and attitude of prohibiting antibiotics prescription. A Systematic Review.

  • Authors

    • Dr. Sabita Shaha 43 High Street, Heathfield, TN21 8HU, UK
  • Resistance, Antibiotics, Attitude, Knowledge
  • Abstract

    Background: The excessive use of antibiotics have currently been recorded as a common phenomenon globally, and it has important public health repercussion. Consuming antibiotics every time an individual is suffering from a normal viral infection would make resistant to the antibiotics. And not be able to cure the disease, leading to harmful side effect for endorsing antibiotic resistance. The current study will be complementing all existing literature by systemic review of the available evidence on public knowledge, attitude, and behaviour regarding the misuse of antibiotics in the high, middle and low-income countries. This study also aims to investigate factors affecting physician's prescription behaviour and factors prohibiting the prescription of antibiotics. Methods: A systematic review performed through pub med, and EBSCO-HOST scientific database January 2010 to March 2020 was considered including a cross-sectional study and focus group discussion. And investigating knowledge, attitude, behaviour about antibiotic use and factors prohibiting doctor's prescription behaviour. Result: All the studies included in this review had definite objectives regarding patient, knowledge, attitude and behaviour associated with antibiotics use. These study had applied proper methodology for cross-sectional summary related to the search question. Most of the (22) reviews had appropriate methodology associated with a representative of the population. Six studies had not clear sample size and did not represent the entire population. Twenty studies had tested the validity and reliability test. A general question used by this survey categorised into four main themes. Theme: 1. Knowledge and awareness of antibiotic use, 2: attitude and behaviour related to antibiotic use, 3: knowledge and awareness of AMR and 4: factors affecting physicians prescription behaviour and attitude of prohibiting antibiotics. Conclusion: To maximise the use of surveys, the application in findings in survey and associated factors related to antibiotic use and AMR should primarily create public health intervention. A multifaceted approach is likely to improve more successful. The studies provide sufficient evidence which proves that a targeted approach in interventions has been successful in reducing antibiotic prescription and misuse.
  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Sabita Shaha, D. (2020). Overuse of antibiotics in high-income, middle -income, and low-income countries: patients’ knowledge, attitude, behaviour, and factors affecting doctor’s prescription behaviour and attitude of prohibiting antibiotics prescription. A Systematic Review. SPC Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.14419/jsc.v3i1.31232

    Received date: 2020-10-25

    Accepted date: 2020-12-12

    Published date: 2020-12-27