A Poison Pill to Current Mathematics Delivered

  • Authors

    • Vinoo Cameron Hope Clinic, 704Pine street, Athens, Wisconsin
  • Abstract

    The author had receded to discover the calculus of spirals, and then this discovery hit him, cutting short the calculus. The findings of concordance between natural linear numbers and prime numbers are so blatant in the mathematics, and clearly all prime numbers can be placed by spirals by their gaps and ascension of +2 and that linear ascension of prime numbers , is not mathematics in the overall logic as shown here. This manuscript is about the basics of the correct spiral placement of prime numbers and completely rejects the current linear mathematics with regard to Prime numbers, even though there is some abject work on prime number distribution over the last two centuries including the work of Riemann, but all that is irrelevant with regards to the reality of numbers mathematics. The facts are even evident on a very special ,a novel Prime number  sieve of Theo Denotter , who had done this for Hope research .

    The author is a physician/surgeon, who in later life decided to take a fresh look into the circus of mathematics after his son was misdiagnosed because of an error in simple mathematics related to a torsion deformity of the spine. The author in this short manuscript is concerned about mathematics, and not its current pedigree, and current writing modes. The author is recently published and offers a fresh look at mathematics and clearly suggests that current mathematics is all wet in its pursuit of the final discovery in mathematics. The author points out for the sake of mathematics this perpetuated obsession that Prime numbers are somehow random by linear ascension, is Poppy cock! And yet premier universities and journals peruse it. The author in very simple mathematics, presents a simple evidence that by definition Prime numbers cannot be random (as is vastly proven in his publications), as their gaps are rational, divisible by 2 in several ways. The mathematical readers can deduce that by examination of the evidence presented here and the readers are referenced to the much more complex papers recently published, the understanding of which (may) be beyond the reach of current mathematicians.

    Author Biography

    • Vinoo Cameron, Hope Clinic, 704Pine street, Athens, Wisconsin
      Practicing physian and surgeon
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  • How to Cite

    Cameron, V. (2013). A Poison Pill to Current Mathematics Delivered. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 2(3), 387-402. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijamr.v2i3.1071

    Received date: 2013-06-22

    Accepted date: 2013-07-05

    Published date: 2013-07-07