Oscillation criteria of second order nonlinear neutral differential equations
2012-07-05 https://doi.org/10.14419/ijamr.v1i3.128
This paper is concerned with the oscillation of second-order nonlinear neu-tral dierential equations of the form[r(t)[(x(t) + p(t)x((t)))']'+ f(t; x( (t))) = 0;by using a generalized Riccati's technique and integral averaging technique, weestablish new oscillation results which handle some cases not covered by knowncriteria. -
How to Cite
Soliman, A. A., Sallam, R. A., & Hassan, A. M. (2012). Oscillation criteria of second order nonlinear neutral differential equations. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 1(3), 314-322. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijamr.v1i3.128Received date: 2012-06-16
Accepted date: 2012-07-03
Published date: 2012-07-05