On the integer solutions of the Pell equation \(x^2=13y^2-3^t\)
2014-02-11 https://doi.org/10.14419/ijamr.v3i1.1701
The binary quadratic Diophantine equation represented by is considered and analyzed for its non-zero distinct integer solutions for the choices of t given by (i) \(t=1\) (ii) \(t=3\) (iii) \(t=5\) (iv) \(t=2k\) and (v) \(t=2k+5\). A few interesting relations among the solutions are presented. Further, recurrence relations on the solutions are obtained.
Keywords: Pell equation, integer solutions of Pell equation, binary quadratic Diophantine equation.
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How to Cite
Gopalan, M., Sangeetha, V., & Somanath, M. (2014). On the integer solutions of the Pell equation \(x^2=13y^2-3^t\). International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 3(1), 58-61. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijamr.v3i1.1701Received date: 2014-01-01
Accepted date: 2014-01-24
Published date: 2014-02-11