Type of the equiangular tight frames with \(n+1\) vectors in \(R^n\)
2012-08-22 https://doi.org/10.14419/ijamr.v1i4.309
An equiangular tight frame (ETF) is a \(d \times n\) matrix that has orthogonal rows and unit-norm columns. ETFs have applications in communications, coding theory and quantum computing. In this paper we investigate type of ETFs that have \(n+1\) vectors in \(R^n\). Also we state the connection between these frames with the complete graphs that containing \(n+1\) vertices. -
How to Cite
Arbabi Mohammad-Abadi, S., & Najafi, M. (2012). Type of the equiangular tight frames with \(n+1\) vectors in \(R^n\). International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 1(4), 391-401. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijamr.v1i4.309Received date: 2012-07-30
Accepted date: 2012-08-19
Published date: 2012-08-22