Separability and the 3d Gelfand Levitan equation

  • Authors

    • Eric Kincanon Gonzaga University
  • Inverse Scattering, Gelfand-Levitan Equation, Reflection Coefficient, One-Dimensional Scattering.
  • Abstract

    The 1D Gelfand-Levitan equation has been well studied with respect to the separability of the spectral measure function. The analytic solu-tion has been shown to be associated with reflectionless potentials. This paper considers the 3D version of this equation to see if an analytic solution can be found for a separable spectral measure function and if it also corresponds to known reflectionless potentials. Though the analytic solution is shown, it does not correspond to reflectionless potentials.



  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Kincanon, E. (2022). Separability and the 3d Gelfand Levitan equation. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 11(1), 11-13.

    Received date: 2022-03-26

    Accepted date: 2022-04-30

    Published date: 2022-05-15