Extension of the ELECTRE II method to group decision-making

  • Authors

    • Zo¨ınabo SAVADOGO université Joseph Ki-zerbo
    • KAMBIRE Koumbebare université Joseph Ki-zerbo
    • Sougoursi Jean Yves ZARE université Joseph Ki-zerbo
  • Abstract

    Multi-criteria decision support has long been treated in a single-decision maker framework . It seems that a decision made by a single decision-maker does not reflect reality . There are multi-criteria group decision support methods in the literature . In order to find a collective aggregation method fulfilling good properties , we have in this work , used the median and the quadratic mean to make the Extension of ELECTRE II (EE-II) to the group decision . We have made numerical applications and we have obtained interesting results .

  • References

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  • How to Cite

    SAVADOGO, Z. ., Koumbebare, K. ., & ZARE, S. J. Y. (2023). Extension of the ELECTRE II method to group decision-making. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 11(2), 48-59. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijamr.v11i2.32198

    Received date: 2022-10-01

    Accepted date: 2022-10-26

    Published date: 2023-01-19