On fixed point convergence results for class of nonexpansivemappings in hyperbolic spaces via PJ iteration process
2024-03-22 https://doi.org/10.14419/2wamtj79
In this paper, we provide certain fixed point results for a mean nonexpansive mapping, as well as a new iterative algorithm called PJ-iteration
for approximating the fixed point of this class of mappings in the setting of hyperbolic spaces. Furthermore, we establish strong and
∆-convergence theorem for mean nonexpansive mapping in hyperbolic space. Finally, we present a numerical example to illustrate our
main result and then display the efficiency of the proposed algorithm compared to different iterative algorithms in the literature. Our results
obtained in this paper improve, extend and unify some related results in the literature. -
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How to Cite
Shrivas, J., Verma, R. K. ., & Chandraker, P. . (2024). On fixed point convergence results for class of nonexpansivemappings in hyperbolic spaces via PJ iteration process. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 13(1), 12-19. https://doi.org/10.14419/2wamtj79