Some convergence and stability results for two new Kirk and Jungck-multi step type iterative processes

  • Authors

    • Mauricio Ramírez Juárez Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)
    • Arnoldo Bezanilla López Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)
  • Fixed point, Jungck type iterative process, Kirk-multistep iteration, Metric spaces, Stability of iterative processes.
  • Abstract

    In this work two new iterative processes called the “Jungck-Kirk generalized multi-step†and “Jungck-Kirk multi-step†are introduced and some convergence and stability results are proved for these iterative process. The results include results of almost stability and summable almost stability. Since these new iterative processes are more general than other ones extant in literature, some results of this work partially generalize results already proved in the existing literature.

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  • How to Cite

    Ramírez Juárez, M., & Bezanilla López, A. (2015). Some convergence and stability results for two new Kirk and Jungck-multi step type iterative processes. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 4(1), 90-98.

    Received date: 2014-11-18

    Accepted date: 2014-12-15

    Published date: 2015-01-20