On the solution of fuzzy dual linear systems of equation
2015-04-13 https://doi.org/10.14419/ijamr.v4i2.4351
Fuzzy triangular number, Linear programming, Fuzzy convex combination, Fuzzy dual linear systems. -
In this paper the exact, multiple and approximation solutions of Dual fuzzy linear systems of equations(DFLSE) with triangular variable are investigated based on a 1-level expansion. To this end, 1-level of DFLSE are solved for calculating the cores of fuzzy solution and then its spreads are obtained by solving an optimization problem with a special objective function. Finally, the existence of solution of DFLSE is proved in details and some numerical examples are solved to illustrate the accuracy and capability of the method
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How to Cite
Kiasari, S. M. K., & Ramhormozi, L. A. (2015). On the solution of fuzzy dual linear systems of equation. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 4(2), 325-331. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijamr.v4i2.4351Received date: 2015-02-13
Accepted date: 2015-03-09
Published date: 2015-04-13