Numerical solution of Navier stokes equation using control volume and finite element method

  • Authors

    • Musa Adam Aigo Umm Al-Qura University College Al-QunfudahMathematics department, Macca, KSA

    Received date: December 7, 2015

    Accepted date: February 16, 2016

    Published date: February 23, 2016
  • Navier stokes equation, Finite element, control volume, Projection.
  • Abstract

    The aim of this paper is twofold first we will  provide a numerical solution of the Navier Stokes equation using the Projection technique and finite element method. The problem will be introduced in weak formulation and a Finite Element method will be developed, then solve in a fast way the sparse system derived. Second, the projection method with Control volume approach will be applied to get a fast solution, in iterations count.

  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Adam Aigo, M. (2016). Numerical solution of Navier stokes equation using control volume and finite element method. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 5(1), 63-68.

    Received date: December 7, 2015

    Accepted date: February 16, 2016

    Published date: February 23, 2016