Some attacks of an encryption system based on the word problem in a monoid

  • Authors

    • Nacer Ghadbane Laboratory of Pure and Applied Mathematics , Departmentof Mathematics, University of MÂ’sila, Algeria
    • Douadi Mihoubi Laboratory of Pure and Applied Mathematics , Department of Mathematics, University of MÂ’sila, Algeria
  • Free monoid, Thue system, Morphism monoids, The closure of a binary relation, The word problem in a monoid, Public Key Cryptography.
  • Abstract

    In this work, we are interested in ATS-monoid protocol proposed by P. J. Abisha, D. G. Thomas G. and K. Subramanian}, the idea of this protocol is to transform a system of Thue \(S_{1}=\left( \Sigma ,R\right) \) for which the word problem is undecidable a system of Thue  \(S_{2}=\left( \Delta ,R_{\theta }\right)\) or \(\theta \subseteq \Delta \times\Delta \) for which the word problem is decidable in linear time.
    Specifically, it gives attacks against ATS monoid in spesifiques case and thenme examples of these cases.

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  • How to Cite

    Ghadbane, N., & Mihoubi, D. (2016). Some attacks of an encryption system based on the word problem in a monoid. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 5(4), 158-161.

    Received date: 2016-05-06

    Accepted date: 2016-06-02

    Published date: 2016-09-17