Bivariate Legendre approximation

  • Authors

    • Abdelhamid Zerroug Department of Mathematics, University of Biskra, Algeria
    • Ismahene Sehili Department of Mathematics, University of Biskra, Algeria
  • Two-dimensional Legendre basis, Three terms recurrence construction, Error Estimation.
  • Abstract

    Spectral methods are among the numerical methods commonly used for approximating solutions of boundary value problems. In this paper we propose, a generalization of the spectral Tau method in dimension 2, this method is generalized by the use of a new two-dimensional polynomial basis constructed by  a  three terms recurrence relation. We also present an estimation of error committed by the proposed method.

  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Zerroug, A., & Sehili, I. (2017). Bivariate Legendre approximation. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 6(4), 125-129.

    Received date: 2017-08-06

    Accepted date: 2017-09-20

    Published date: 2017-10-27