Numerical comparison of nonstandard schemes for the Airy equation
2017-11-19 -
ODE, Nonstandard Finite Difference Scheme, Airy Equation -
This paper considers the Airy ordinary differential equation (ODE) and different ways it can be discretized. We first consider a standard discretization using the central difference scheme. We then consider two difference schemes which were created using a nonstandard methodology. Finally, we compare the different schemes and how well they approximate solutions to the Airy ODE.
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How to Cite
Adekanye, O., & Washington, T. (2017). Numerical comparison of nonstandard schemes for the Airy equation. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 6(4), 141-146. date: 2017-10-13
Accepted date: 2017-11-08
Published date: 2017-11-19