Solution of the Black-Scholes equation via the Adomian decomposition method
The Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM) is applied to obtain a fast and reliable solution to the Black-Scholes equation with boundary condition for a European option. We cast the problem of pricing a European option with boundary conditions in terms of a diffusion partial differential equation with homogeneous boundary condition in order to apply the ADM. The analytical solution of the equations is calculated in the form of an explicit series approximation.
How to Cite
Avila, E. J., Estrella, A. G., & Blanco, L. D. (2013). Solution of the Black-Scholes equation via the Adomian decomposition method. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 2(4), 486-494. date: 2013-04-26
Accepted date: 2013-05-10
Published date: 2013-10-19