A theoretical fundation metaheuristic method to solve some multiobjective optimization problems

  • Authors

    • Some Kounhinir University of Ouagadougou/ Burkina Faso
    • Berthold Ulungu
    • Wenddabo Olivier Sawadogo
    • Some Blaise
  • metaheuristics, Alienor transformation, linear multiobjectif optimization, weighted Tchebychev metric, Pareto optimality.
  • Abstract

    In the literature, many metaheuristics are available to find a good approximation of efficient solutions of optimization problems. But most of these methods don't have a theoretical foundation. In this work, we propose the theoretical foundation of MOMA (Multi-Objectif Alienor Metaheuristic) method and moreover its efficiency to solve linear optimization problems. This method is the combination of multiobjectif concepts and the Alienor transformation, which allows to transform a multiobjectif optimization problem in optimization of a single variable function. We solve two didactic examples in order to allow the best presentation of the MOMA method and besides the quality of obtained solutions is proved.

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  • How to Cite

    Kounhinir, S., Ulungu, B., Sawadogo, W. O., & Blaise, S. (2013). A theoretical fundation metaheuristic method to solve some multiobjective optimization problems. International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 2(4), 464-475. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijamr.v2i4.902

    Received date: 2013-06-01

    Accepted date: 2013-06-21

    Published date: 2013-10-15