Plant Based Folk Recipes For Treatment of Hepatic Disorders In Jalgaon District (M.S.)India
2012-05-16 -
The present communication reveals the plant based folk recipes from Jalgaon district of Maharashtra state. In all total 21 species belonging to 21 genera from 19 Angiosperm families useful for treating hepatic disorders have been studies. Of these, uses of 12 plant species found unknown or less known to India.
Keywords: Folk medicine, hepatic disorder, Jalgaon.
How to Cite
Salave, A. P. (2012). Plant Based Folk Recipes For Treatment of Hepatic Disorders In Jalgaon District (M.S.)India. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 1(2), 109-114. date: 2012-05-05
Accepted date: 2012-05-15
Published date: 2012-05-16