Molecular diagnostic of some nematode species infecting ruminants in Egypt
Molecular techniques are utilized for the diagnosis of parasitic diseases and identification of parasites to enhance the development of specific antigens for serological tests and studying immune response in the patients.
In the present study, nematode parasites were Trichuris ovis which were recovered from goats and Trichuris ovis, Haemonchus contortus, and Strongyloides papillosus were recovered from sheep as well Toxocara vitullorum from buffaloes and Toxocara vitullorum from cattle. All samples were checked with 3 different primers by the use of RAPD-PCR and their genetic profiles from different ruminant hosts were compared.
Pairwise comparisons were used to evaluate sequence homology and diversity of some variable regions was identified. Interspecific variation in the regions exceeded that within species. Comparison between Toxocara vitullorum from cattle and Toxocara vitullorum from buffaloes revealed genetic polymorphism with genetic variability observed in DNA amplification with primer 3 and non-genetic polymorphism with genetic variability in primer 1 and primer 2 as displayed in figures
The use of the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA - Polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) technique to amplify short regions of an organism’s genome provide more specific method than conventionally employed in epidemiological studies.
Keywords: Nematodes, Ruminants, RAPD-PCR, Molecular Diagnosis.
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How to Cite
ElBahy, N., & Khalafalla, R. (2014). Molecular diagnostic of some nematode species infecting ruminants in Egypt. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3(3), 344-348. date: 2014-07-02
Accepted date: 2014-08-02
Published date: 2014-09-05