Numerical analysis of stochastic processes in the aggregation erythrocyte molecules : Application to deoxy-hemoglobin S

  • Authors

    • Olawolé O. Akadry UAC
    • Adébayo L. Essoun UAC
    • A. Noumon UAC
    • S. Massou UAC
  • Colored noise, Energy frequency distribution, Harmonic noise, White noise.
  • Abstract

    Previously, by analytical method, some authors have shown that the harmonic noise is more indicated in the aggregation of deoxy-hemoglobin S. The problem that still arises is the relationship between the energy spectra and the microscopic properties of dielectric substances. The numerical approach of the correlation function’s Fourier transform of different random processes have permit to obtain the frequency distribution spectra of energy and the fluctuations of the amplitudes. The results have shown that (i) only a fine analysis of the curves can permit obtain sufficient precision on the noise indicated in the aggregation of deoxy-hemoglobin S, (ii) in the presence of harmonic noise, the frequency distribution of energy and fluctuations of the amplitudes are low compared to white and colored noise, (iii) method exploiting the frequency distribution of energy and the fluctuations of the amplitudes justify well that the harmonic noise is the best indicated in the aggregation of the deoxy-hemoglobin S.



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  • How to Cite

    O. Akadry, O., L. Essoun, A., Noumon, A., & Massou, S. (2021). Numerical analysis of stochastic processes in the aggregation erythrocyte molecules : Application to deoxy-hemoglobin S. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 10(2), 38-44.

    Received date: 2021-09-01

    Accepted date: 2021-10-19

    Published date: 2021-11-19