Proposal of a data model for consumption and service adaptation (IaaS – PaaS and SaaS) in cloud computing
Cloud Computing; Cloud Service Adaptation; Consumption Model; Adapted Service Model. -
In this paper, we are proposing a data model to help improve the quality of service and the satisfaction of cloud service consumers. To do this, we proposed 2 sub-models:
- A 1st sub -model for identifying users consuming cloud services, cloud services and the different consumptions that are made according to the context of the users.
- A 2nd sub-model for adapting the services consumed, while evaluating the level of satisfaction based on the metrics per service. Also differents formalizations associated with these sub-models are proposed.
Implementing the final data model could allow the cloud provider to ensure that the adaptation activities of the different services take into account users and their service consumption context.
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How to Cite
koffi, kanga, Beman Hamidja, K. . ., & Kpinna Tiekoura , C. . (2024). Proposal of a data model for consumption and service adaptation (IaaS – PaaS and SaaS) in cloud computing. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 13(2), 68-74.