The state of plant biodiversity in the high plains of Oran (case of the Wilaya of Saida)

  • Authors

    • Zohra ARABI University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene U.S.T.H.B.; Algiers; Algeria.
    • Khalladi Mederbal
    • Zohra Benaouf
  • Abstract

    The wilaya of Saida is experiencing an alarming degradation of ecosystems resulting in the degradation of plant cover, alteration of soil quality and erosion of plant biodiversity. This alarming situation has its origins in various problems such as: human actions, climate change and the lack of an environmental policy.

    Our study was conducted on the development of a methodology for multidisciplinary mapping combine’s phytoecological between diagnosis and application of remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems G.I.S For an inventory and characterization of the actual state of the plant biodiversity of the region.

    The exploitation of satellite data from the Landsat satellites, combined with field studies through systematic sampling, allowed us to map vegetation and a map of plant communities.

    Keywords: G.I.S, Plant Biodiversity, Phytoecological Diagnosis, Remote Sensing, Saida.

  • References

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  • How to Cite

    ARABI, Z., Mederbal, K., & Benaouf, Z. (2014). The state of plant biodiversity in the high plains of Oran (case of the Wilaya of Saida). International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3(4), 420-425.

    Received date: 2014-08-28

    Accepted date: 2014-09-22

    Published date: 2014-10-03