Simulation of trans boundary wastewater resource management scenarios in the Wadi Zomer watershed, using a WEAP model

  • Authors

    • Eyad Yaqob Univirsity of cincinati, Ohio, USA
    • Rashed Al-Sa`ed Biziet University
    • George Sorial Univirsity of cincinati, Ohio, USA
    • Makram Suidan Univirsity of cincinati, Ohio, USA
  • Balance, Scenarios, Water Resources Management, WEAP Model.
  • Abstract

    Water resource shortages are always a challenge for Middle Eastern countries in general and for the Palestinian Authority in particular. For over 20 years in Palestine, political factors and a lack of control over water resources have exacerbated the water problem there, seriously affecting water resources, in terms of quality and quantity. This research presents one of the applications of the Water Assessment and Planning (WEAP) model in the Nablus and Tulkarm watershed. The model is applied in evaluating and analyzing the existing balance and the role of treated wastewater and anticipates future scenarios for the management of water resources, taking into account the policies and operating the various factors that may affect the demand and the impact of treated wastewater on the water budget until 2035.

    The results showed that the amount of treated wastewater in the study area will reach 16 MCM by 2035. The agricultural sector needs 17 MCM and currently only 2.8 MCM are available from artesian wells. The results also showed that one of the reasons for not using treated wastewater is a lack of experience in the planning and selection of wastewater treatment plant sites and of the capacity to match these with agricultural land that could reuse the treated wastewater. Demand management and improvements in living standards are the prerequisites necessary for the proper management of available resources. The results confirmed that the WEAP program provides a solid foundation to assist planners in developing recommendations for the management of water resources in the future, through the detection of hot spots on which to work.

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  • How to Cite

    Yaqob, E., Al-Sa`ed, R., Sorial, G., & Suidan, M. (2014). Simulation of trans boundary wastewater resource management scenarios in the Wadi Zomer watershed, using a WEAP model. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(1), 27-35.

    Received date: 2014-11-04

    Accepted date: 2014-12-02

    Published date: 2014-12-16