The effect of the leadership towards employee performance in the human resources department at the PLN west java and banten distribution office
2015-02-13 -
Human Resources Functions, Leadership, Motivation, Performance, Path-Goal Theory. -
Every organization needs to focus on the employee performance if they want to thrive in the business. There are many factors which affect the employee performances. Leadership believes to be the crucial factors which can affect the employee performance. The organization will ensure they develop good leaders to support the employee to get results. This research will analyze the relation between the leadership and employee performance at the PLN West Java and Banten Office. We used 27 respondents which represent total employee in the Human Resources Department. The selection of the respondents based on the fact we had close relation with all the employees at the human resources department. This relation will add our analysis with the depth interactive interview. We use simple regression and descriptive analysis to analyze the effect of the leadership towards the performance. We hope the research will benefit the field of human resources especially in the discussion about leadership and performance. The research underlining the importance of the leader’s role in order to drive the employee performance. If leader can show the attitude and behavior which accordance to the employee needs, then the good relations will emerge and it will influence the performance.
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How to Cite
Partono, A., Siregar, S., & Saleh, B. (2015). The effect of the leadership towards employee performance in the human resources department at the PLN west java and banten distribution office. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(1), 149-155. date: 2014-11-26
Accepted date: 2014-12-22
Published date: 2015-02-13