Contribution of knowledge leader and communication toward employee productivity at west Java conference offic

  • Authors

    • Rolyana Ferinia Adventist University of Indonesia
  • Knowledge Leader, Communication, Productivity.
  • In any organization, knowledge leader and communication are subject which helps organizations reach productivity. The aim of the research is to study the contribution of knowledge leader and communication toward employee productivity at West Java Conference Office. To this end, this research used questionnaires distributed to 59 employees at West Java Conference Office. Data was calculated using Pearson Product Moment. All questionnaires are valid, and reliability using Cronbach's Alpha for knowledge leader was obtained at 0,846. Communication was obtained at 0,918 and productivity was obtained at 0,779. Research method using descriptive analytical survey with quantitative data. Data was analyzed using Multiple Regression Analysis using T-Test. The result of the research shows that there is a significant influence on the knowledge leader toward productivity with significance (sig.) 0000 at the table with the value of α 0:05 coefficients it means 0.000 <0.05. There is a significant influence on communication toward productivity with significance (sig.) 0.035 at the table with the value of α 0, 05 it means 0.035 < 0.05 and test of determination shows that the value of adjusted R Square is 0.873, it indicates that the Knowledge Leader and Communication 87% effect on the productivity, and the remain of 13% is influenced by other variables, which is not examined yet.

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  • How to Cite

    Ferinia, R. (2015). Contribution of knowledge leader and communication toward employee productivity at west Java conference offic. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(2), 193-199.