Pattern of presentation of breast cancer in Missan's women

  • Authors

    • Haider S. Q. Alhelfi Medicine College/ Messan UniversityAlsader Teaching HospitalAlshafaa Oncology Center
    • Redha A. H. Alhashimi College of Medicine, University of Missan
  • Breast Cancer, Progesterone, Estrogen, HER 2 neu, Missan.
  • Abstract

    The purpose of the study is to study the pattern of presentation of breast cancer in Missan's women regarding clinical, histopathological and immunological features of malignant breast tissue and focusing on the common presenting pattern and compare it to the neighboring area results. Across sectional study was done. The period of data collection extended from August 2013 to of March 2014. Eighty and five women were involved in the study which was conducted at Al-Shafaa Oncology Center in Missan province. Most frequently of the breast cancer patients were diagnosed at age group of 35-44 years under the stage II. History of lactation was reported in 65.9%, 83.5% were housewives, 69.4% were married. Positive family history was recorded in 32.9%. 52.9% were with stage II. 40.0% of these patients presented in advanced stages III and IV. Most of the cases have history of normal age of menarche and menopause. About 81.2% came from urban areas. Hormonal therapy was reported in approximately 32.9% of cases. The study concludes that the breast cancer is the most common malignancies in women in Iraq and the most of our women with breast cancer do not have risk factor for their disease.

    Author Biography

    • Haider S. Q. Alhelfi, Medicine College/ Messan UniversityAlsader Teaching HospitalAlshafaa Oncology Center

      Boss of Oncology Center

      Medicine Department

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  • How to Cite

    Alhelfi, H. S. Q., & Alhashimi, R. A. H. (2015). Pattern of presentation of breast cancer in Missan’s women. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(2), 162-167.

    Received date: 2015-02-03

    Accepted date: 2015-03-02

    Published date: 2015-03-16