Thermoluminescence of β-irradiated human teeth

  • Authors

    • Agustin de la Isla
    • Rodolfo Bernal
    • Catalina Cruz-Vázquez
    • Victor R. Orante-Barrón
    • Victor Castano Centro de Fisica Aplicada y Tecnologia Avanzada, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
  • Thermoluminescence, Human Teeth, Dosimetry, β - Irradiated Human Teeth, Hydroxyapatite.
  • Abstract

    The thermoluminescence (TL) response of samples obtained from human teeth exposed to beta irradiation shows that the characteristic glow curves exhibit TL emission at high enough temperatures, which ensures thermal stability of the TL signal, and the TL increases as the dose increases from 0.25 up to 128 Gy, with linear behavior for doses below 32 Gy. The dose interval tested is of interest for clinical applications. Samples do not suffer damage due to heating if the TL readouts are performed from room temperature up to 300 °C. W This indicate that human teeth are promising phosphor materials for use in different TL and afterglow dosimetry applications.

  • References

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  • How to Cite

    de la Isla, A., Bernal, R., Cruz-Vázquez, C., Orante-Barrón, V. R., & Castano, V. (2015). Thermoluminescence of β-irradiated human teeth. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(2), 244-245.

    Received date: 2015-03-10

    Accepted date: 2015-04-06

    Published date: 2015-05-30