Statistical wind speed studies and wind energy potential resource analysis of abong mbang, Cameroon: a case study

  • Authors

    • Yemele David University of Dschang, Cameroon
    • Bawe Gerard Nfor, Jr
    • Talla Pierre Kisito
    • Ghogomu Patrick Ndinakie
  • Wind Energy Resource, Power Density, Gamma, Weibull, Cameroon.
  • Abstract

    Accurate analysis of wind characteristics for a particular site is the first step towards wind energy resource installation. In this study, the onus is to determine the wind energy potential characteristics, and the best representative probability density function, for the Abong Mbang weather station and its immediate environ. The Chi square, coefficient of determination and root mean square error were used as the discriminating goodness of fit tests. Results show that the gamma distribution is the best representative of the wind speed regime, closely followed by the Weibull distribution. We equally study the feasibility of the installation of wind turbine systems at this site based on the Weibull and the Rayleigh models. It is observed that Abong Mbang is characterized by very low wind speeds, higher shape parameters than the scale parameters and consequently very low power density values. Abong Mbang is not technically feasible for the installation of small wind turbine.

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  • How to Cite

    David, Y., Nfor, Jr, B. G., Kisito, T. P., & Ndinakie, G. P. (2015). Statistical wind speed studies and wind energy potential resource analysis of abong mbang, Cameroon: a case study. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(4), 466-474.

    Received date: 2015-08-18

    Accepted date: 2015-10-25

    Published date: 2015-11-16