Primary mechanism responsible for age-dependent neuronal dehydration

  • Authors

    • Anna Nikoghosyan Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center, UNESCO Chair Armenia, Yerevan
    • Armenuhi Heqimyan Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center, UNESCO Chair Armenia, Yerevan
    • Sinerik N. Ayrapetyan Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center, UNESCO Chair Armenia, Yerevan
  • Brain Cortex, 45Ca2 Efflux, 45Ca2 Uptake, Na /K -ATPase A3 Isoform, Tissue Hydration.
  • Abstract

    Neuronal dehydration and high [Ca2+]i are essential hallmarks for age-dependent memory impairment. Na+/K+-ATPase, having membrane transporting and intracellular signaling functions, has age-induced dysfunctional character. Therefore, it could have a key role in age-dependent neuronal dehydration and increase of [Ca2+]i. However, it is not clear the dysfunction of which above mentioned functions of Na+/K+-ATPase serves as a primary mechanism for generation of age-dependent neuronal dehydration and increase of [Ca2+]i. In present work age-dependent effects of ≤10-9M (agonist for α3 isoform which has only signaling function) and 10-4M ouabain (agonist for α1 isoform which has ion-transporting function) on brain cortex tissue hydration, 45Ca2+ uptake and 45Ca2+ efflux through plasma membrane were studied. It was shown that ≤10-9M and 10-4M ouabain concentrations have stimulation effects on cortex tissue hydration and Na+/Ca2+ exchange in reverse mode. However, these effects have age-dependent weakening and increasing characters, respectively. It is suggested that ≤10-9M ouabain-induced tissue hydration is due to cAMP-activated Ca2+-ATPase in endoplasmic reticulum membrane leading to reversion of Na+/Ca2+ exchange and elevation of endogenous H2O release in cytoplasm. This effect has age-dependent depressing character. Thus, the dysfunction of α3 isoform-dependent intracellular signaling system could be considered as a primary mechanism for age-dependent neuronal dehydration.

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  • How to Cite

    Nikoghosyan, A., Heqimyan, A., & Ayrapetyan, S. N. (2015). Primary mechanism responsible for age-dependent neuronal dehydration. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(1), 5-14.

    Received date: 2015-09-30

    Accepted date: 2015-11-21

    Published date: 2015-12-09