Relationship between selected factors of motivation, employee engagement and employee performance among nurses at adventist hospital

  • Authors

    • Rolyana Ferinia Adventist University of Indonesia
    • Tjutju Yuniarsi
    • H. Disman
  • Need of Achievement, Satisfaction, Advocacy, Performance.
  • Abstract

    This study examined the relationship between selected factors of motivation, employee engagement and employee performance among nurses at Adventist Hospital. The quantitative research method of collecting data was used. The questionnaire was distributed nurses at Adventist Hospitals using cluster sampling. And Taro Yamane formula. A sample of 435 nurses was selected to fill the questionnaire. The findings showed that [1] the need for achievement significantly and positively influenced by satisfaction (β=0. 29), [2] need for achievement significantly and positively influenced by performance (β=0.15), [3] satisfaction significantly and positively influenced by advocacy (β=0.84) and [4] advocacy significantly and positively influenced by performance (β=0.60).

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  • How to Cite

    Ferinia, R., Yuniarsi, T., & Disman, H. (2016). Relationship between selected factors of motivation, employee engagement and employee performance among nurses at adventist hospital. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(3), 177-181.

    Received date: 2016-02-26

    Accepted date: 2016-03-20

    Published date: 2016-08-16