Some Less Known Herbal Remedies Against Cut and Wounds from Ahmednagar Areas in Maharashtra, India
2012-06-06 -
An extensive field surveys were arranged in Ahmednagar tahasil areas to document ethno-medicinal uses of the native ethno-flora against cut and wounds. The information is collected during the period from pre-monsoon of 2009 to the post-monsoon of 2011, from the local inhabitants through verbal interviews via informal ways. The paper focuses on the ethno-medicinal uses of 35 genera belonging to 24 families used cut and wounds formed due to specific means among the local inhabitants in their routine life.
Keywords: Herbal remedy, Ahmednagar tahasil, Traditional knowledge. -
How to Cite
Salave, A. P. (2012). Some Less Known Herbal Remedies Against Cut and Wounds from Ahmednagar Areas in Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 1(3), 184-197. date: 2012-05-13
Accepted date: 2012-05-27
Published date: 2012-06-06