Data mining techniques and algorithms in cloud environment a review
2018-03-01 -
Data Mining Techniques, Data Mining Algorithm, Cloud Computing -
Cloud Computing is resourceful in which computing resources are made available on- demand to the user as needed. Data mining is a process of discovering interesting patterns from a large amount of data. The difficulty is in collecting these data and carrying out compu-tations to get the significant information. Data mining techniques and applications can be effectively used in cloud computing environment. Data mining and the cloud computing are considered as major technologies. The data mining in cloud computing allows organizations to centralize the management of software and data storage. This paper provides a review of various data mining techniques and different types of algorithms in cloud computing which can be used for resource sharing.
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How to Cite
Rajamani, K., & Sheela, D. (2018). Data mining techniques and algorithms in cloud environment a review. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(1.9), 265-267. date: 2018-03-09
Accepted date: 2018-03-09
Published date: 2018-03-01