Vehicle parking management and reservation system using lab view
Parking, Micro Controller, HTML, LabVIEW, GUI. -
One of the challenges that we face from time to time in or daily life is parking our car. It has been estimated that it that 30% of vehicles takes a mean time of 7.8 minutes to occupy a parking spot. This not only leads to a waste of fueland timethat a driver consumes in looking for an appropriate parking spot, but also results in an additional loss ofthe above parameters for the other drivers due to the traffic congestion caused due to slow pace of the driver in search for a parking slot. The solution is to introduce a smart system which is both capable and efficient to solve the problem by not only allowing the end-user to view the available parking spot but also to book the slot in advance there by the user will know well in advance where he should go in order to park his vehicle.
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How to Cite
Kingston Stanley, P., Vijay Daniel, P., Raj, V., & Sanjevvi Gandhi, A. (2018). Vehicle parking management and reservation system using lab view. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(2.8), 120-124. date: 2018-03-19
Accepted date: 2018-03-19
Published date: 2018-03-19