Advanced vehicle security control and accident alert system

  • Authors

    • Jesline James
    • S Vasanthadev Suryakala
  • Vehicle Theft, Accident Detection, Fingerprint Verification, Password and OTP Generating System
  • Abstract

    Vehicles are becoming smarter by the combining of greater power to compute connectivity solutions and the improvement in software visions. In modern vehicles automotive designs are interfaced with these features. This particular design includes keyless entry system and immobilizer system as the main weapons to prevent the vehicle theft. But these type of systems provide or detect the unauthorized access of vehicles to a measurable limit only. These security frameworks have straightforward also, lacking nature. So car burglary has been a persevering issue far and wide and a greater test from the profficient criminals. This paper proposes an aim to design efficient security control for auto theft prevention system by adding notable enhancement features such as a fingerprint system, password and OTP generating system. It is also included with some rationalizing security features like GPS fencing, remote engine cut-off, and conveying location of vehicle as a message using GSM module. These features are implemented with the help of fingerprint recognition module, GPS Receiver, GSM cellular modem. Along with these feature accident detection module is also added.

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  • How to Cite

    James, J., & Vasanthadev Suryakala, S. (2018). Advanced vehicle security control and accident alert system. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(2), 404-408.

    Received date: 2018-03-22

    Accepted date: 2018-03-22