Energy aware dynamic virtual machine consolidation in cloud data centers

  • Authors

    • G Anusha
    • P Supraja
  • Cloud computing, Resource utilization, VM Consolidation, VM Placement, energy consumption.
  • Abstract

    Cloud computing is a growing technology now-a-days, which provides various resources to perform complex tasks. These complex tasks can be performed with the help of datacenters. Data centers helps the incoming tasks by providing various resources like CPU, storage, network, bandwidth and memory, which has resulted in the increase of the total number of datacenters in the world. These data centers consume large volume of energy for performing the operations and which leads to high operation costs. Resources are the key cause for the power consumption in data centers along with the air and cooling systems. Energy consumption in data centers is comparative to the resource usage. Excessive amount of energy consumption by datacenters falls out in large power bills. There is a necessity to increase the energy efficiency of such data centers. We have proposed an Energy aware dynamic virtual machine consolidation (EADVMC) model which focuses on pm selection, vm selection, vm placement phases, which results in the reduced energy consumption and the Quality of service (QoS) to a considerable level.
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  • How to Cite

    Anusha, G., & Supraja, P. (2018). Energy aware dynamic virtual machine consolidation in cloud data centers. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.8), 550-553.

    Received date: 2018-03-23

    Accepted date: 2018-03-23

    Published date: 2018-03-19