Secret communication over compound multiple access channel
CMAC, Wiretap channel, gaussian two-way channel, secrecy capacity CMAC -
The general gaussian numerous entrance wire-tap channel(GGMAC-WT) and the guassiantwoway wire-tap channel(GTW-WT) are considered. In this paper, we learn about the mystery correspondence between the correspondence channels with exacerbate various access channel(CMAC). Secret messages are exchanged with consummate mystery. In this channel the messages sent by one channel can be decoded by its relating recipient and kept mystery from other beneficiary. A MAC is considered and the messages from the encoders ae secret. By and large, our outcomes demonstrate that in various access situation, clients can help each other to on the whole accomplish positive mystery rates. At the end of the day, collaboration among clients can be priceless for accomplishing mystery for the framework.
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How to Cite
Bharathi, S., & Blessy Jenila, R. (2018). Secret communication over compound multiple access channel. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(1.7), 197-198. date: 2018-03-26
Accepted date: 2018-03-26
Published date: 2018-02-05