A dependable smart security system for dominant attacks on agriculture crop fields

  • Authors

    • P Visu
    • V Murugananthan
  • Sensors, Automation, Control System, Electronic Circuit, Maximum Power Transfer.
  • Abstract

    This study is around recognition of unapproved access to a nation inhabitant's crop field when the rancher is remote from the entrance of his field. Here we outline a dependable keen enacted security framework with the assistance of sensor innovation to change the ways of life and gives a superior route to the issues wherever looked via landowners in their day by day life. By utilizing basic electronic segments nature, it is more versatile and financially savvy. The model is separated into three units; the power supply unit which utilizes the utilization of DC battery and mains supply for the use of continuous power supply to the circuit, the trigger unit for enacting the caution unit and intended to have much time and period and direct affectability to lessen rate of false caution, and the caution sufficiency unit which fundamental capacity is to deliver adequacy alert sound when activated by the trigger unit that creating a substantial capable of being heard sound which can alarm the whole neighbourhood or drive an interloper off. The model planned by thinking about economy, accessibility of parts and research materials, effectiveness, similarity and accommodation and furthermore toughness in the outline procedure this framework deals with the guideline of touch sensor. The general framework was developed and tried in such a path by upgrading the execution in each period of the sensor is rudimented over the capitulated irregularity of the circuits assume control over the vital working instrument for the alert to capacity to work legitimately. Working Principle is based on  Weidem’s Sensor where all  the chips and ICs connected over the soldered board has to satisfy the rules with cumulative actions for the sensor to work together when an object would step onto the pressure sensitive board, will be augumented.

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  • How to Cite

    Visu, P., & Murugananthan, V. (2017). A dependable smart security system for dominant attacks on agriculture crop fields. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(1.3), 195-197. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i1.3.10670

    Received date: 2018-03-26

    Accepted date: 2018-03-26

    Published date: 2017-12-31