FOG computing and its various uses in different applications
2018-03-18 -
Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, Internet of Things, Network Congestion, Use cases. -
Cloud computing is the transformation, which involves storing large applications where data or information is exchanged among differ-ent platforms for giving good service to clients who belong to different organizations. It assures great use of resources by making data, software and infrastructure available with minimal cost along with security and reliability. Even though cloud computing gives many advantages, it has certain limitations like network congestion, fault tolerance, less bandwidth etc. To come out of this issue a new era computing model is introduced called Fog Computing. This new computing model can transfer fragile data without any delay to other devices in the network. The only difference between both is fog is located more close to the end user or the device and gives response to the client instantly. Moreover, it is beneficial to the real time streaming applications, internet of things which need reliable internet con-nectivity along with high speed. This paper is a review on Fog Computing, differences in edge and fog computing, use cases of fog and the architecture.
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How to Cite
Sekhar Maganty, C., & Kiran Kumar, K. (2018). FOG computing and its various uses in different applications. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.7), 345-347. date: 2018-03-27
Accepted date: 2018-03-27
Published date: 2018-03-18