Smart Goods Billing Management and Payment System for Shopping Malls

  • Authors

    • Jatin Arora
    • Gagandeep .
    • S J. Sugumar
    • Ravinder Kumar
  • Barcode Scanning, Bluetooth, Database, RFID, Smart Devices.
  • Abstract

    In the present scenario, it is essential to have an automatic billing system for shopping malls, supermarket and other wholesale & retail stores. Numerous billing systems like barcode scanning mechanism-based systems or tag-based systems are available in the market. It is important to replace such existing system with better and robust systems so hereby we proposed “Smart Goods Billing Management and Payment System for Shopping Mallsâ€. In this system, the basic fundamental is barcode scanning for products, but we replace the conventional barcode scanner for faster and better results. In our prototype, the android phone is being used as a barcode scanner for simple, better and portable barcode scanner. This scanner is connected wirelessly to MCU via Bluetooth module. MCU is also connected to PC/Laptop for creating the database of all customers, their products, and bills. This database also tracks the total sale and number of goods sold per day. In addition, RFID technology is implemented in this system for payment through card-based system. Simulation and hardware-based results are proposed in this paper.


  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Arora, J., ., G., J. Sugumar, S., & Kumar, R. (2018). Smart Goods Billing Management and Payment System for Shopping Malls. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.7), 456-461.

    Received date: 2018-04-01

    Accepted date: 2018-04-01

    Published date: 2018-03-18